Our Objectives
We have adopted ourselves to a mission statement service excellance that is used to measure our perfomance and mission.
E - mployment equity will be maintained across all races and gender while aligning with Government's stance towards empowerment.
X - ray all technical challenges tp provide axcellent solutions that will exceed the client expectetions.
C - apacitation of students by providing in-service training to all newly graduates and tertiary students where applicable.
E - mpower our staff to becoming a strong technical team and be recognised by the engineering and professional institutions.
L - asting innovation, dedication and the need to meet our targets and stand by our mission statement.
L - ead our competitors in quality of services and liasing eith clients to offer a negotiable fee for all services not measured by SAACE scale.
E - nsure that the community is treated as the main beneficiary on all community development based projects by keeping high level of communication with the contractors.
N - eeds of clients, other role players will be met while maintaining economical ways of delivering qualitative services.
C - ommit ourselves to provide a high level of communication, best technical solutions and negotiable fee structure.
E - ngaged in joint ventures to capacitate our team to address clients needs and keeping our mission statement.